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Bonni Shuttleworth CCRMs. Bonni Shuttleworth, CRI, CPE, was named the 2015 Educator of the Year at a special awards luncheon held during the 2015 National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Convention & Expo in New York City, July 30 – August 2, 2015. Ms. Shuttleworth was selected for this honor in recognition of her commitment to students and her exceptional contributions within the field of court reporting education. Ms. Shuttleworth is the fourth College of Court Reporting (Hobart, IN) instructor since 2001 selected as the Outstanding Educator by NCRA’s Council on Approved Student Education. “This honor not only recognizes Bonni’s talent as a teacher, but it is also a testament to the caliber and quality of CCR instructors,” said Jay T. Vettickal, Executive Director of the College of Court Reporting.


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The College of Court Reporting awarded almost $21,000 in professional scholarships to nine recent graduates. This purpose of the scholarship is for College of Court Reporting graduates to enhance realtime skills, obtain professional certification, continue education, and purchase equipment/software.  CCR was able to provide this scholarship through the 2012 Training for Realtime Writers Grant it received from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE).


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Kay Moody and studentHobart, IN—College of Court Reporting (CCR) is about to reach its 30th year of operation. Kay Moody (pictured standing with a student to the right), founder of the college, never dreamed that what started as a small school in her home could have turned into the online innovator CCR is today. With over 250 online and onsite students, CCR would now like to invite the community to see what their support has allowed the CCR family to contribute to education.

Over the years, the college has revised its curriculum to meet the high demands of today’s technology. CCR teaches all the courses necessary for a court reporting career, and students also have the opportunity to enroll in additional courses for broadcast captioning or communication access realtime translation (CART) reporting, which aids the deaf and hard-of-hearing. The school’s growth is largely attributed to its ability to innovate and develop instruction with technology in mind.

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CCR Student Earns Scholarship

Hobart, IN -- College of Court Reporting would like to congratulate Margaret Abernathy, a recent recipient of a Indiana Shorthand Reporters Association Scholarship. The funds were awarded during the convention which took place Saturday, September 28th. In order to receive this award, the students had to submit an essay to the board. This year the scholarship was split between two entries. Congratulations, Margaret! We are proud of you!

If you are interested in more information regarding the ISRA, then please click below and visit their website!

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We have made it to round 2! Yes, the second round of the Intuit, Small Business Big Game, contest! This is very exciting!! After this round, the field narrows to 20 businesses.

We have an opportunity to run a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl in 2014! Click on the link below and vote for us! By doing so, you will help us continue our efforts to make dreams come true!

Click Here!

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Hobart, IN--Last fall, College of Court Reporting (CCR) was one of four colleges in the nation to receive a U.S. Department of Education's "Training for Realtime Writers" grant. CCR will use grant funds to train and place students in the field to help meet the national demand for qualified court reporters and realtime writers. In addition, CCR will also grant 14 scholarships for students with disabilities to use in order to purchase specialized software and equipment.

The scholarships amounts are up to $5,000 for each blind student to use to purchase specialized software and equipment. Earlier this year, CCR awarded $5,000 to one of its qualified students. In total, up to $75,000 will be awarded to qualified students. Because people with disabilities have an extremely low employment rate and live at or below poverty levels in comparison to people without disabilities, we are very proud to offer this award to assist these students. Many people with disabilities cannot afford specialized software and equipment. By providing seed money to help them enroll, CCR expects to enroll and place more students with disabilities.

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Hobart, IN--College of Court Reporting (CCR) is proud to announce that one of its very own students is the recipient of the National Court Reporting Foundation’s 2013 Frank Sarli Scholarship. In order to receive this scholarship, the nominee must have met a specific list of criteria and, according to the NCRF website, “must possess all the qualities exemplified by a professional court reporter, including professional attitude, demeanor, dress and motivation.” In 2013, the winning nominee is Justine Kiechel.

Justine is an online student from Pennsylvania. She learned the Moody Method theory of computerized machine shorthand in CCR’s Fall 2010 semester and is now writing at 225 words per minute. With just a few requirements left to complete before graduation, Justine has already demonstrated that she will represent the college and the profession well in the working world.

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Hobart, IN---College of Court Reporting is pleased to announce the appointment of Dylan Bush, Marketing and Technology Officer.

“This position is a continuation of our philosophy to meet the day-to-day needs of our students relating to the ever changing technology in education,” says Jeff Moody, President of College of Court Reporting. We believe hiring Mr. Bush into this critical position will assist CCR in continuing to improve our current education programs as well as its soon-to-be announced educational model. This new approach will forever change how court reporting education will be delivered.”

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Hobart, IN---The College of Court Reporting (CCR) recently participated in National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, a grassroots effort to raise awareness about the professions of court reporting and broadcast captioning. One way that professionals were able to show how invaluable court reporting is to our country was to contribute their skills to the Veteran’s History Project. Reporters all across the country have banded together for over 12 years to produce transcripts of the oral histories of our veterans. Deborah Cohen-Rojas, a CCR graduate, was one of those reporters who volunteered her abilities.

In a recent news broadcast on WGN Chicago, Deb can be seen writing on her steno machine to the sound of a former soldier’s legacy. She then produced a transcript that was uploaded to the Veteran’s History Project website. This flawless record of personal histories might have otherwise been lost. There are now over 85,000 oral histories preserved by the Library of Congress, courtesy of court reporters much like Deb.

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College of Court Reporting to join nationwide effort to recognize professionals, career opportunities in stenographic court reporting, and captioning

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Hobart, IN--This fall, College of Court Reporting (CCR) was one of four colleges in the nation to receive a U.S. Department of Education's "Training for Realtime Writers" grant. CCR will use grant funds to train and place students in the field to help meet the national demand for qualified court reporters and realtime writers.

With this grant of $300,000, CCR's first phase of spending will come in the form of scholarships for 36 of their currently enrolled court reporting students. The 36 students receiving awards were selected through a scholarship competition.

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Hobart, IN--- Each year the Illinois Court Reporters Association holds a scholarship essay contest. The author of the first place essay receives a $1,000 scholarship, and the authors of the second and third place essays receive $500 and $300 scholarships. To apply, students are required to submit a one-page essay on “Court Reporting School: My Own Survival Guide.” The College of Court Reporting is pleased to announce that the 2012 first and second place award recipients are College of Court Reporting students Shannon Barnes and Susan Kemph.

Ms. Barnes enrolled with the College of Court Reporting in our Summer 2010 semester after completing an Associate’s degree in Business. She learned the Moody Method steno theory as a new student and was writing at 120 words per minute within the first year of her court reporting education. Ms. Barnes is a perennial honor student and has been nominated on several occasions for the Student of the Month distinction. Her instructors never run out of positive things to say about her work ethic and drive to become a court reporter. The first place award certainly found an appropriate recipient in Ms. Barnes as she is most deserving.

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Hobart, IN--- Stacy Drohosky, College of Court Reporting graduate, was recently awarded the United States District Court’s Northern District of Indiana’s 2012 Professionalism Award. Not only was she nominated for the award by Peggy Guernsey, District Clerk for the Northern District of Indiana, but Stacy was also voted the number one reporter in the system by the court reporters of the same district. Ms. Guernsey had this to say of Stacy:

Stacy promptly accepts requests for Court Reporting services for judicial officers (Judge Cherry and others) when not otherwise reporting for her own Court (Judge Moody). These trials are sometimes not only multiple days, but out-of-Division (Lafayette). She also completes detention hearing and/or motion hearing transcripts in magistrate cases where FTR is used when requested by counsel.

The Court receives competent, prompt, Court Reporter Services without interruption of flow of Court proceedings. The ability to have a Real Time Reporter makes for efficient work presentation and judicial proceedings. Stacy is saving the District and taxpayers large sums of money that otherwise would be required for a contract reporter.

Stacy is always pleasant, cooperative, dependable, and conducts herself with professionalism. She performs long work days without complaining. Daily trial transcripts are often requested and provided without delay. She is very pleasant to work with and fulfills the Court’s/Clerk’s Office mission by providing quality, courteous, and prompt service with a commitment to professionalism, teamwork, and efficiency.

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Hobart, IN---The National Court Reporter Association held their annual convention during the second weekend of August in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Among the various court reporting vendors, schools, and professionals, College of Court Reporting had the greatest representation of students and faculty.  Their forty-plus attendees made their presence known throughout the convention hall as they demonstrated new technologies and handed out free T-shirts. Approximately 20 percent of the students in attendance at the national convention were College of Court Reporting students.

The focus of the College's attendance at the convention was to promote the school's newly offered ev360 Professional technologies to students, schools, and professionals.  ev360 Professional offers students, schools, and working reporters the opportunity to practice and advance their skill using LIVE and recorded virtual classes, thousands of hours of audio and text practice at speeds up to 350 words per minute, over 7,400 evaluations, and the ability to create practice material and share it publicly.  ev360 Professional contains the largest library of practice material for court reporting students and professionals.

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CCR is very proud to announce that ev360 Infinity 2.0 has officially launched. In 2.0, you can mark your dictation materials, record audio OR video dictation, and upload it directly into the learning management system. No additional audio or video recording software is necessary. Just accept the Java plugin certificate and you are on you way. The first of it kind for court reporting skill development. Next week we begin recording our multi-voice classes. Who has the best technology? This is exciting stuff.


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College of Court Reporting (CCR) is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the NCRA 2012 Annual Convention and Exposition August 9th – 12th in Philadelphia.  More than 1,800 court reporters, broadcast captioners, CART providers, webcasters, Internet information reporters, students, instructors, and scopists will attend the convention.

Janet Noel, Faculty Development Coordinator; Nicky Rodriquez, Director of Admissions; Natalie Kijurna, Graduate and Employer Relations Coordinator; Lisa Morton, Director of Financial Aid; Tim Moody, Instructor and Moody Method Theory Specialist; and Nick Trottier, Admissions Coordinator will represent CCR at the vendor exposition. We are pleased to announce that we will be demonstrating our ev360 Academic and ev360 Professional technologies. The ev360 suite of products were developed by the minds of some of the country's top court reporting educators and have played a vital role for users in enhancing skill and speed development, increasing progression rates, perfecting realtime skills, and passing certification skills exams. For those who participate in an ev360 Professional demonstration, we will be offering a free ev360 Professional T-shirt and a chance to win 5 Ben Franklins -- yes, $500.

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Hobart, IN---The College of Court Reporting is proud to announce that three of our recent graduates have passed either their state or national certification exam. Trixie Schuzer and Christie Leatiota passed their respective state certification while Kelly Olhausen obtained national certification. Both certifications require rigorous training and intense focus due to the fast-paced dictation that makes up the skill portion of the exams.

In addition to developing incredible speed and accuracy on a computerized stenography machine, these students have excelled in academic subjects as well. The Written Knowledge Test that is included in these exams requires a great deal of knowledge in the area of Standard English grammar and punctuation, medical and legal terminology, and courtroom practicum. As a result of their education and skill, they are now capable of working in a variety of fields such as official reporting in proceedings in state and Federal court, Broadcast television captioning, educational reporting for the deaf and hard -of- hearing, and freelance reporting for attorneys.

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Pamela V. Dixon, a recent graduate of the College of Court Reporting, passed the national certification exam and earned her Registered Professional Reporter certification. Though earning this certification demands an incredible amount of preparation and focus, Pam met the challenge with a positive attitude and diligent practice.

In addition to developing incredible speed and accuracy on a computerized stenography machine, Ms. Dixon excelled in academic subjects as well. The written knowledge portion of the certification testing requires a great deal of knowledge in the area of standard English grammar and punctuation, medical and legal terminologies, and courtroom practicum. As a result of her education and skill, she is now capable of working in a variety of fields such as legal reporting in state and federal courts, freelance deposition reporting, broadcast television captioning, entertainment reporting, business reporting, and educational reporting for the deaf and hard -of- hearing.

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College News

  • Carmen James photo1

    Tales from the Internship

    By: Carmen James - CCR High Speed Steno Student     Hello CCR family. I had an amazing opportunity during my internship that I would love to share with all of you.   On August 29th through the 31st I got to sit in on a ve ...

    by Natalie Kijurna
    Wednesday, 15 November 2023
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