Philosophy and Approach - Since 1984, College of Court Reporting has been providing students with state-of-the-art technology, one of a kind curriculum, and award-winning faculty. College of Court Reporting offers:
- a progressive, student-centered college with a reputation as a leader in online court reporting education.
- the first online court reporting program approved by the National Court Reporters Association.
- the first of its kind 1-minute approach to testing and evaluating student progress.
- implemented technologies to further assist faculty in educating, coaching, and mentoring students.

ev360 Technologies - ev360 assists our faculty and staff in enhancing their approach to teaching and delivering a proven curriculum and method of court reporting instruction. The proof is in the numbers with the ev360 Success As You Progress (SAP) philosophy and approach to testing.
Pre-ev360 (old approach):
- students passed 5-minute tests 22.5 percent of the time.
- technology prevented students from progressing at their own rate.
- grading of submitted tests took approximately two weeks with little or no faculty feedback.
Post-ev360 (new approach after 12 months):
- students passed 5-minute evaluations 41.8 percent of the time.
- students passed 1- to 5-minute evaluations 51.6 percent of the time.
- students received 91 percent accuracy with over 65 percent of all 5-minute evaluations.
- students received interactive audio feedback within 24 to 48 hours on all submitted evaluations.

EV360 Realtime Theory - The basic principles of the the EV360 Realtime Theory are:
- incorporating the basic principles of learning: The Three Rs of Machine Shorthand – Reading, wRiting, and Repetition.
- based on the fundamental machine shorthand theory developed by Ward Stone Ireland in the late 1800s.
- updated theory principles that incorporate the latest artificial-intelligence technology for realtime writing.
- learning machine shorthand and developing the skill and proficiency to write rapidly with a high degree of accuracy.