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CCR Graduates Earn Certification

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Hobart, IN---The College of Court Reporting is proud to announce that three of our recent graduates have passed either their state or national certification exam. Trixie Schuzer and Christie Leatiota passed their respective state certification while Kelly Olhausen obtained national certification. Both certifications require rigorous training and intense focus due to the fast-paced dictation that makes up the skill portion of the exams.

In addition to developing incredible speed and accuracy on a computerized stenography machine, these students have excelled in academic subjects as well. The Written Knowledge Test that is included in these exams requires a great deal of knowledge in the area of Standard English grammar and punctuation, medical and legal terminology, and courtroom practicum. As a result of their education and skill, they are now capable of working in a variety of fields such as official reporting in proceedings in state and Federal court, Broadcast television captioning, educational reporting for the deaf and hard -of- hearing, and freelance reporting for attorneys.

Ms. Schuzer, now a Certified Shorthand Reporter, is eligible for court reporting positions in Illinois. She is a Winter 2012 graduate of the College of Court Reporting, attending both onsite and online classes. Mrs. Leatiota obtained her CSR title in the state of Washington. She hopes to follow in the footsteps of her mother, who is a working official reporter. Mrs. Olhausen transferred to CCR during the Summer 2011 semester. She proceeded to increase her writing speed from 120 words per minute to the graduation standard of 225 words per minute in less than a year with CCR. Mrs. Olhausen is now seeking the Arizona state certification as well.

These students have demonstrated a tremendous amount of dedication throughout their studies. They have transcribed countless mock trials and speed evaluations; they have contributed in many discussions in their LIVE virtual classes; and they have completed each task thrown at them with an attitude and composure that speak of great professionalism. Congratulations and good luck to these students as they enter their professional career.

The College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association. In December of 2003, CCR was one of five schools chosen throughout the entire United States from among all colleges and universities to participate in the U.S. Department of Education's Distance Education Demonstration Program. For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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